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Alan Markovitz is “so over” his ex-wife.
So over her. Which is presumably why he bought the house next to hers and erected a $7000 statue of a hand with its middle finger raised in the backyard.
The bronze statue, which is about 3.5 metres tall, faces the windows of Mr Markovitz’s ex-wife Lea Tuohy’s house.
It’s even spot-lit to ensure the neighbours can see it at night, Gawker reports.
Mr Markovitz is a “local legend” who owns three strip clubs in the US city of Detroit. He reportedly lives with his 17-year-old daughter, Tiffany, from a previous relationship.
Photos of the statue started circulating online when Mrs Tuohy’s daughter Lenka tweeted about it.
“Alan and Tiffany are the best neighbours … but ew who does that lololol #psycho,” Ms Tuohy tweeted.
“How psychotic do you have to be to buy the house directly next to your ex-wife and then put a statue up like that?!?! Real classy Alan.”
Mr Markovitz has a colourful reputation to say the least. He’s been shot twice and targeted by a murder contract, all while buying and selling local topless clubs, Deadline Detroit reports.
Mr Markovitz has also written an autobiography, modestly entitled “Topless Prophet: The True Story of America’s Most Successful Gentleman’s Club Entrepreneur”. The book is currently being turned into a TV series.
Oh, and the guy obviously has enough cash floating around to casually buy a house and put a $7000 statue in the yard just to spite his ex-wife and her new partner.
Mr Markovitz claims the statue is specifically aimed at Mrs Tuohy’s housemate, with whom she had an affair while they were married.
“I’m so over her,” Mr Markovitz told Deadline Detroit. “This is about him. This is about him not being a man.”
Mr Markovitz says a realtor showed him the house next door to Mrs Luohy’s by coincidence. After that, “karma” took over.
This article originally appeared on News.com.au